Wednesday, January 06, 2010

♥A Brand New Year 2010!

it's been so long since i update my blog...
During my December holidays, i went Hong Kong for student exchange program. We actually learn about Networking, Flash and also how to create a Game! Cool lah... i can say, i made new and wonderful friends there. Such nice people hanging out together in HK! And of course, me and Louis also meet up with Hubert there!!

i felt that December holidays was so short! After i came back from HK, i realised i actaually left one more week to school reopen. My mood was like... so the boring lah! But... nevermind cause now, school has reopen already and i missed my classmates alot. They never fail to make me laugh, even though i love to laugh lahhhhh!

First few days of school is like a tourture but now, i'm used to it already. Anyway, time table has changed and i'm very happy with it because Friday i don't have to attend school anymore:)

Well, hope this year will be a good year for me! ♥